These Web Chats were part of QSP’s Web Chat Curriculum Series (WCCS) which reviewed the basics of QSP. The WCCS was divided into 4 section: Scheduling (S-Series), Clients (C-Series), Employees (E-Series), Reports (R-Series) and Utilities (U-Series).
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is part 3 in the U-Series which highlights the following features in QSP’s Applications Settings:
Expiration Dates/Scheduling Conditions
SLS Overtime Settings
Staff Scheduling Preferences
QuickSolve Clock Preferences
Staff Expense Preferences
Client Profile Preferences
Expiration Dates/Scheduling Conditions
Restrict Scheduling to one staff per client, restrict scheduling over time off requests, show client training shifts on the calendar, restrict or warn users when scheduling more than a certain number of hours per shift, and how to utilize un-paid meal breaks.
SLS Overtime Settings
Enabling overtime settings if they apply to your operations.
Staff Scheduling Preferences
Limit what service types display from the Worker scheduling view.
QuickSolve Clock Preferences
Enable the proper service types (SLS, IHSS, ILS, Parenting Support) to be included in the QSP Clock app.
Staff Expense Preferences
Turn on the holidays and the extra rate of pay that apply to your regional center agency.
Client Profile Preferences
Set default day time and night time hours for new clients, and turn off or on agency phone numbers from displaying on a client face sheet.
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is part 2 in the U-Series which highlights the following features:
Human Resource Email Notifications
Client Email Notifications
Document Library
Document Tree
HR Notifications
Agency’s of Regional Centers have an important task at hand when it comes to reminding their employees to get certain requirements and training’s completed, especially when they are about to expire! With QSP’s automatic email notifications, you can set up an alert to remind you, and your staff about an upcoming expiration! Even setup multiple reminders with varying time intervals.
Client Notifications
Don’t let an ISP or POS expire unknowingly ever again. Use QSP’s automatic notifications to alert you and your team of the upcoming expiration. This tutorial details how these are setup, and can even include multiple alerts at any frequency you choose (ie 60, 30, 15… days before). The important thing to remember is that for each person you want to be alerted of these notifications, they must be added as a contact the appropriate client contact list. Just like HR notifications, these email notifications can be maintained within Utilities.
Document Tree and Library
In QSP, this is how you can store documents electronically. You can customize your folder system, and individualize access. Gill Gill2015-05-08 10:55:302019-06-07 11:52:26Utilities Series | HR and Client Notifications, Document Storage and MORE!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is part 1 in the Utility Series which highlights the following features:
Option List Maintenance
Security level Maintenance
Level 6 and 7 Security
Office and Company Maintenance
Option List Maintenance
Nearly every drop down menu throughout QSP can be customized with the language the represents your agency’s vocabulary. If there is a particular employment position that you use, the Option List Maintenance section can allow you to add those appropriate positions.
Security Level Maintenance
Security clearance in QSP is determined by Employment position. Setting up the security matrix for your operations can be done in the Security Level Maintenance in Utilities. There are seven security levels. Level 1 is the most elite (CEO), and level 7 is the most limited (Personal Attendant).
Level 6 and 7 Security
These security levels are ideal for field staff and will allow scheduling and viewing, but limited access to other parts of QSP. Schedules can be edited by level 6 staff, and an alert will notify the appropriate office personnel. Schedules can be viewed only by level 7 users. For both you will only see the client schedules that you are “trained” with as determined by the data setup in QSP for your agency.
Office and Company Maintenance
If applicable, adding an Office to your company is an option, especially if you have several office locations, or departments. Adding an office helps to filter numerous reports in QuickSolvePlus, and even provide limited access to level 5 users by limiting what “office” they can view data in. Company logos can be updated in Company Maintenance, as well as address and phone numbers for the company. Gill Gill2015-05-07 09:06:452019-06-07 11:52:26Utilities Series | Security Levels, Company Maintenance, Drop Down menus and MORE!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is part 2 in the Employee Series which highlights the following features:
Client Specific Training
Client Training payroll hours
Employment Position
Remote Access Credentials
Document Storage
Attendance Tracking
Mileage History
Client Specific Training
A huge reason Regional Center service providers are successful is by pairing up the right staff with the right client. This is an art! Typically, this may involve training the staff to serve that client. There are several advantages to documenting this training, connection, link. First, to give workers limited access to QSP, then based on those clients whom they are trained with, they will only be able to view those clients data. Another advantage is when searching for an available staff who is specifically trained to work with a client. QSP uses the Client Specific Trainings to provide you with a filtered list of options!
Employment Position
It’s important to indicate the employment position for each of your staff listed in QSP. Not only will this make the Human Resource module more robust for each staff, but will also be the key component to granting individual QSP access for staff, if desired.
Remote Access Log in Credentials
Once an Employment Position is given to employees, and once that Employment Position is placed into the appropriate Security Level in the Utilities section of QSP, remote access log in credentials can be created by you for each of the employees that you desire. Be creative in how you create these, and keep in mind that passwords must be at least 6 character with one numeric value.
Document Storage
Within each employee’s HR profile is a section to upload documents to store electronically by attaching files to their record. There currently is no limit to the amount of storage available for use.
Attendance Tracking
This report is dependent on Publishing calendars. When enabled, the attendance tracking report will capture changes in scheduled shifts when properly documented by the person who made the schedule change.
Mileage History
This report can be generated per employee when mileage data has been entered into their appropriate shifts. The mileage history report will show the clients whom were served as well as the total mileage for a given time period.
This QuickSolvePlus Web Chat is part 1 in the E-Series (Employee) which highlights these features:
Schedule preferences
TOR and PTO’s
HR Reports
Status update
Rate of Pay history
Employee Specific Training
Hire Dates
Schedule Preferences
In each employee’s Human Resource profile their preferred scheduling hours can be set up. This is helpful for schedulers to know when an employee can or cannot work, based on these preferences.
Time Off Requests (TOR) and Paid Time Off (PTO) can be set up per employee to identify the period of time when they are unavailable to be scheduled. This impacts whether a scheduler can schedule them within too, by restricting their availability based on the TOR. TOR’s can also be defined as PTO’s, which means that a Time Sheet will generate, as well as PTO hours to the payroll processing report.
Within QSP a messaging portal exists to email workers in bulk. Filterable by office, the email will appear to come from the sender’s email address, not QSP. This is ideal for mass communication to team members.
Status Update
Determining an employee’s status with the company is important for how they are displayed throughout QSP. A typical employee is marked as “active”. Other status options include “In-active”, “suspended”, or “pending”.
Rate of Pay History
ROP’s will change, and QSP is designed to track the varying rate changes by providing a historical view. Employees also get paid different rates for different types of service that they provide. All this can be captured and tracked within the ROP history of an employee’s HR profile.
Employee Specific Training
From this section training and requirement specifications and expiration dates can be entered and tracked. For example, CPR and First Aid, Live Scan, Driver License, or Title 17 etc. Pre-employment requirements can also be setup to automatically alert staff and office personnel of expiring requirements so you’ll never be unaware.
Hire Dates
Proper hire date entry assists in QSP generating employee reports to the correct company. There is the option within each Employee HR profile to select if they are Hired by your agency, or currently work with a Temp to Hire agency. This determination aids in Payroll processing reports.
If certain employee are allowed to work more overtime than others, that amount can be determined in their employee profile, which will output to the scheduler, ensuring they are not scheduled over their overtime allotment. Wage Order 15 is built in to QSP too. Gill Gill2015-05-05 12:51:512019-06-07 11:52:26Employee Series | Time Off Request, Paid Time Off, Rate of Pay, OT and More!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is one part, the R-Series (Report Series), and it highlights the following features:
Payroll Processing Report
Finalizing Payroll
Condensed Payroll Processing Report
Simple and detailed Time Sheets
Management and billing report
Daily Service Billing Report
Client Service Summary
Payroll Processing Report
This generates from the worker data represented in the Schedule. It can be generated in excel, or in Preview. The report date time periods can be customized as well. The payroll processing report has one row per worker per client they served. The hours are totaled, as well as the hours worked per service type. If a worker is paid one rate of pay during the day and another rate of pay during an overnight, these are calculated appropriately.
Finalize Payroll
Once the payroll report has been generated, it can also be “finalized’. This prevents any shifts during the processed time period to be deleted.
Condensed Payroll Processing Report
Unlike the Payroll Processing Report, the condensed version does not separate service hours by client, but rather combines all client hours. This report, however, will include Holiday and PTO calculations.
Simple and Detailed Time Sheets
Time cards generate from the worker data represented in the schedule. Like the Payroll processing report, they can be generated for any time period chosen, and accurately capture the start and end times. The Simple Timesheets do not indicate who the employee served. The detailed timesheets are generated per household. If an employee works with multiple clients, a time card is generated per client household, and will also capture shared staffing scenarios.
Management report used for billing
This report uses the client data represented in the client schedules and generates to and excel document that can be used to do regional center billing, whether e-billing to the department of developmental services, or alternatives methods. IHSS is automatically subtracted from authorized POS hours. A built-in dashboard allows managers to see what has been scheduled compared to what has been authorized, to give a real-time utilization.
Daily Service Billing Report
This excel document calculates service hours for 1 on 1, 1 on 2, and 1 on 3 daily staffing hours.
Client Service Summary
This client report is used to see how many hours were worked, and by whom, in a client’s home for a given time period. Gill Gill2015-05-04 08:25:082019-06-07 11:52:26Reports Series | Payroll, Billing, Time Sheets and More!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” Web Chat is part 2 in the C-Series (Client Series) and highlights the following features:
Document Library
Linking clients
Upload photo
Home Visits
Staffing Hours
Client Service Rates
Max daily SLP
Overtime calculation rules
Electronic Documentation Library
Files that are stored locally on your machines can also be stored electronically using QSP’s Document storage. This is specifically designed for Client documents. The document tree, in Utilities, can be constructed to match how you want your files to be stored and accessed.
Linking Clients
A benefit of linking clients together comes when creating shared shifts for them in the schedule. Typically, if clients are roommates, or share the same staff, linking clients can be valuable.
Special Incident Report (SIR)
This report generation tool can be used to capture the details of an SIR. The details that are input can be generated into a report. This may or may not satisfy the requests of your Regional Center.
Home Visits
This section of a client’s profile can be used to capture the details of a home visit. Once the details are input, they can be generated to a printed report as well. If need be, a blank Home Visit document can be generated too.
This tab in the client’s profile is specific for capturing medical visit details, like during a doctor appointment. The Medical appointment form can be generated and printed as a blank document and filled out manually if need be. It’s important to note that the data in this tab will only generate to the Appointment Tracking Report.
Staff Hours
Clients may get served up to 24 hours in a day, and staff may get paid different rates of pay depending upon what time of day they worked with a client. Most commonly is when staff work an overnight shift with a client, they will get paid a lower rate than when they work during the day. These staffing hours can be customized per client and is important for proper time sheet and payroll report generation.
Client Service Rates
Client Service Rates are an optional set up in QSP and are beneficial if you have varying worker Rates of Pay per client. Minimum and Maximum rates per service type can be set up that will override what is set up in a worker’s HR profile. You will see the results of setting up Client Service Rates when the Payroll Processing Report is generated in Excel, which will display a worker’s Rate of Pay, and if it was impacted by a specific client’s Service Rate.
Max Daily SLP
Some regional centers will give a service provider a POS authorization for SLP hours, which are specific for Sleep. This daily allotment can be configured in the client’s profile and will display appropriately on the management report used for billing for proper e-billing to DDS.
Overtime calculation rules
If service needs to be limited to x hours per week for specific clients, an overtime total can be setup to prevent over scheduling. Gill Gill2015-05-01 09:20:452019-06-07 11:52:26Client Series | SIR, Home Visits, Service Rates, OT and MORE!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” web chat is part one in the C-Series (Client Series) and highlights the following features:
General Contacts,
Client contacts,
Doctor appointments,
Medication prescriptions,
IHSS history,
ISP Objectives,
Emergency Action Plan,
and more.
General Contacts
The general contact library catalogs all relevant contacts by 3 types: Agency, Important, and Medical. Adding Important and Medical contacts here is the most vital. Once the contacts are added, they can be used elsewhere within QSP, specifically within a client’s contact list. This reduces the amount of repetitive data-entry needed.
Client Contacts
Adding specific contacts to specific clients’ records will allow those contacts to generate to their applicable reports and notifications. General contacts can be quickly and easily added, as well as Agency contacts, which will pull from the Worker/HR database.
Doctor Appointments
Track the reason, outcome, date, doctor, and follow up appointments from the Doctor tab in a client’s profile. The data entered here will generated seamlessly to the client’s Medication Quarterly and Annual reports.
Medication Prescriptions
Each prescription and its details can be tracked within the Med Rx tab in a client’s profile. Add generic name, dosage, strength, frequency, prescribed doctor, side effects, etc. These can appear on the face sheet, as well as the Medication Tracking Report.
IHSS History
Accurately capture and track the IHSS NOA for a client. If the IHSS amount changes, which they frequently do, a history is kept of all past IHSS values. An IHSS NOA must be entered in the proper format, which includes minutes, not decimals. The IHSS amount will display on the client’s schedule, to be accurately tracked and utilized each month.
ISP Objectives
The Individual Support Plan can be constructed within QSP, if preferred. A very basic template is used, and will generate as a printable document. Specifically for an ILS ISP, Objectives can be listed in a client’s profile, and those ISP objectives are available from the Scheduler to write service notes, specific to the client.
Emergency Action Plan
Using the EAP tab, an Emergency Action Plan can be automatically generated with all pertinent details as they’ve been entered. From this tab are ISP and quarterly review dates that can be used to automatically alert managers of their upcoming due dates.
As mentioned, face sheets, EAP, ISP, Med tacking, Med quarterly, Med annual, Prescription tracking, contacts, consent forms, etc. are just some of the report that can be generate from the client profile.
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” web chat is part three in the S-Series (Schedule Series) and highlights the following features:
Audit reports
Print and email schedules
Print and email Time sheets
Expanded calendar views
Publish calendars
Attendance tracking
Audit Reports
There are a handful of reports that can be generated from the Scheduler in order to audit a schedule: These include: Shift overlaps, Missing workers, and Shift breaks.
Print and Email Schedules
Communicate Schedules with options with the choice to either Print or Email Schedules to Clients and Workers. All from within the Scheduler you can quickly print one schedule at a time, or multiple. If logged into QSP and will be performing the emailing action, the emails will look like they came directly from you, not QSP. Don’t want to waste paper with printing, and some folks don’t have emails? Then give them access to view their schedules directly in QSP by using QSPMobile.
Print and Email Time Sheets
Detailed Time sheets can be email directly to the staff for a chosen time period. Time sheets can be printed individually or in bulk as well, or even emailed in mass!
Expanded Schedule Views
Tired of looking at a calendar for the entire month? Try the weekly view, or daily, or include the prior and next month!
Publish Calendars
Publishing monthly calendars is an optional practice that allows users to track any changes made to a published schedule. This is ideal for tracking attendance concerns.
Attendance Tracking
Must have the schedule published to utilize attendance tracking. If so, an attendance tracking report can be generated to show the shifts the have been adjusted post-publishing, and will give the applicable reason for the change. Gill Gill2015-04-28 09:10:472019-06-07 11:52:27Schedule Series | Calendar, Time Sheet Printing and Emailing, Audit Reports and MORE!
This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” web chat is part two in the S-Series (Schedule Series) and highlights the following features:
POS and IHSS dashboard
IHSS and IHDP tracking
Filling holes
Cancelling appointments
Mileage tracking
Service notes, Schedules notes
Daily schedule view
Meal breaks
POS and IHSS dashboard
A beautiful feature within QSP is the ability to manage the utilization of a client’s POS from their Schedule! The POS Dashboard toggle allows you to manage multiple authorizations at once! It takes the POS (or IHSS NOA) value(s) from the Client Profile, in-conjunction with the service types the client receives (as you indicate under their Client Info 2 tab), and displays that information in their POS dashboard. The POS dashboard can be toggled between multiple authorizations to see scheduled utilization.
IHSS and IHDP Tracking
The IHSS reporting tool is helpful to see and communicate how many IHSS hours are being used, by whom, on what day, and with which consumer. This report can be viewed per client to see how many IHSS hours are being claimed for each worker, or it can be viewed per worker, to quickly see how their IHSS hours are distributed with each client. This report is easily printable.
Filling holes
As is the nature of the social services business, time is spent finding staff to work open shifts. Within QSP’s scheduler is a tool that will identify which staff are available during a selected time period, as well as if they are trained with the client.
Cancelling Appointments
As is typical with Independent Living Services (ILS), a client may cancel a scheduled appointment with their instructor. This can be easily labeled as “cancelled” rather than deleted completely from the schedule. This will allow that cancelled appointment to be hidden from view, but not deleted, so it can be referenced later if there’s a need to see how many times a client cancelled in a given month.
Mileage Tracking
Mileage totals as well as locations traveled to and from can be captured within the edit shift window from the Schedule of a worker and client. The info input here will be available in a mileage tracking report when needed.
Service Notes
This blank text field is used to capture service notes from staff about the task, goals, etc completed during their shift with their client. These service notes will generate to a Service Note Report that can be generated for a time frame that you choose within the month. SLS and ILS service notes are slightly different in their layout.
Schedule Notes
These type of notes can be input into a shift when needing to comment about a the scheduled shift. Whatever is input into the schedule notes field will display on the corresponding worker’s time sheet.
Meal Breaks
When creating or editing a shift, a meal break can be input into the shift as well. There is an application setting in the Utilities module of QSP that can be turned on or off to trigger a meal break from being processed on the payroll report and time sheets.
The best part of choosing QSP is enjoying the results once it’s setup and running full throttle in your agency, with everyone on board! Results can vary, of course, but the potential for the best results you’ve ever had are within reach.
If you haven’t already, choose your solution now.
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