Managing data is what we know

There is a crazy amount of paperwork in our industry.  From human resource records to client records, you can spend a lot of precious time just filing papers.  QuickSolvePlus understands you want to get out of the paperwork game and into the part where you help people.

We have numerous automated reporting options to assist in client documentation. We’ve had positive Regional Centers remark on several of our client reports. QSP also has an alert system to notify your management team when an ISP or POS is about to expire. Let us handle remembering those dates and we’ll remind you when you decide!

We also have a similar alert system that will prompt your staff when required certifications, documents and trainings are coming due. We know you don’t have this problem of keeping up to date records of worker documents like CPR, First Aid, Auto Insurance. We’re speaking to those other agencies that have this challenge.

Schedule a demo today to see what is possible for your organization and its organization of paperwork!

Some of our HR database features include:

  • Tracking pre-employment requirements like First-Aid
  • Tracking of staff training and completion dates
  • Automatically notify staff and managers when a HR record has expired, like auto insurance
  • Historical record of rates of pay and raises
  • Electronic storage for important documents
  • Client specific training tracking
  • And more!

Some of our Client database features include:

  • Tracking medications or medical appointments for easy reporting
  • Home Visit tracking
  • Recordign client contacts
  • Easily print client face sheets and medication records and med quarterlies
  • Set up automatic notifications for managers to be aware of upcoming POS and ISP expirations
  • Automatically generate Emergency Action Plans
  • And more!

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