A Scheduler that gets what you do

Our scheduling is intuitive because we developed it by using it!  We are not a software shop giving our “best guess” on what SLS and ILS would need.  We are first an agency that provides this service.  We “know” what SLS and ILS need to get scheduling done.  We were able to tell those software guys what we needed instead of the other way around….

Check out some of our current current scheduling features:

  • Create a schedule for 2+ clients who live together, or get staff simultaenously
  • Real time POS and IHSS tracking so you know who and how much is being used
  • Variable Schedule View allows you to see a consumer’s or a staff’s schedule
  • Schedule in advance and repeat regular schedules
  • Set up warnings or restrictions to avoid unwanted scheduling conflicts or overlaps
  • Minimize overtime with scheduling prompts that alert you if scheduling beyond weekly cap
  • Maximize service hours by using SLS overtime sleep exemptions

We are also never satisfied with mediocrity.  If there is something you are looking for, chances are so is another SLS or ILS agency.  So, let’s talk about your specific needs–if we don’t have it, you never know, we just might build it so you will come…..Schedule a web or in-person demo today so we can show you why this is the best software for SLS and ILS!

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