This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” web chat is part one in the C-Series (Client Series) and highlights the following features:
- General Contacts,
- Client contacts,
- Doctor appointments,
- Medication prescriptions,
- IHSS history,
- ISP Objectives,
- Status,
- Emergency Action Plan,
- Reports
- and more.
General Contacts
The general contact library catalogs all relevant contacts by 3 types: Agency, Important, and Medical. Adding Important and Medical contacts here is the most vital. Once the contacts are added, they can be used elsewhere within QSP, specifically within a client’s contact list. This reduces the amount of repetitive data-entry needed.
Client Contacts
Adding specific contacts to specific clients’ records will allow those contacts to generate to their applicable reports and notifications. General contacts can be quickly and easily added, as well as Agency contacts, which will pull from the Worker/HR database.
Doctor Appointments
Track the reason, outcome, date, doctor, and follow up appointments from the Doctor tab in a client’s profile. The data entered here will generated seamlessly to the client’s Medication Quarterly and Annual reports.
Medication Prescriptions
Each prescription and its details can be tracked within the Med Rx tab in a client’s profile. Add generic name, dosage, strength, frequency, prescribed doctor, side effects, etc. These can appear on the face sheet, as well as the Medication Tracking Report.
IHSS History
Accurately capture and track the IHSS NOA for a client. If the IHSS amount changes, which they frequently do, a history is kept of all past IHSS values. An IHSS NOA must be entered in the proper format, which includes minutes, not decimals. The IHSS amount will display on the client’s schedule, to be accurately tracked and utilized each month.
ISP Objectives
The Individual Support Plan can be constructed within QSP, if preferred. A very basic template is used, and will generate as a printable document. Specifically for an ILS ISP, Objectives can be listed in a client’s profile, and those ISP objectives are available from the Scheduler to write service notes, specific to the client.
Emergency Action Plan
Using the EAP tab, an Emergency Action Plan can be automatically generated with all pertinent details as they’ve been entered. From this tab are ISP and quarterly review dates that can be used to automatically alert managers of their upcoming due dates.
As mentioned, face sheets, EAP, ISP, Med tacking, Med quarterly, Med annual, Prescription tracking, contacts, consent forms, etc. are just some of the report that can be generate from the client profile.