These Web Chats were part of QSP’s Web Chat Curriculum Series (WCCS) which reviewed the basics of QSP. The WCCS was divided into 4 section: Scheduling (S-Series), Clients (C-Series), Employees (E-Series), Reports (R-Series) and Utilities (U-Series).

This QuickSolvePlus “QSP” web chat is the first of three parts in the S-Series (Schedule Series) and highlights the following features:

  • Client and Worker profile setup
  • ILS New Shift
  • SLS and SLS Shared shifts
  • Multiple and Reoccurring
  • Copy Calendar
  • Deleting Shifts

Client and Worker profile Setup


Each client and worker’s data needs to be setup correctly in order for the process of scheduling their shifts to work seamlessly. Client must have appropriate service type assignment, and worker must be active, schedulable, and have a employment position.

New Shifts

Shifts can be created from the Client View or the Worker View in the QSP Scheduler, one at a time, or in bulk. They are completely linked to each other. If a change is made to a clients schedule, the corresponding worker’s schedule will be updated as well.

ILS New Shift

The ILS new and edit shift window has a different layout than the other service types. If a client is setup to receive ILS and another type of service, a prompt will appear prior to creating a shift to ask for what is being created. The same prompt will appear if scheduling from the worker view, and with a worker that has an ILS ROP and another service ROP listed in their HR profile.

SLS Shared shifts

For those household situations where one staff serves two or more clients at the same time, an SLS-Shared service type can be used. This will reflect appropriately on the worker’s time sheet and payroll report, paying them hour per hour, not per client, and the schedule will show them staffed at all times.

Repeating shifts and Copy Calendar

For those shifts that happen consistently the reapting feature can be used. Or, a monthly client calendar can be copied to the next month(s). This saves a lot time from not having to recreate the same schedule each month.

Deleting Shifts

Shift can be deleted one day, one shift at a time, or they can be deleted in bulk.

Schedule and Remove Worker

Employees assigned to a shift can also be removed in bulk, and even re-assigned to another shift, instead of having to reschedule one shift at a time.