This QSClock tutorial details the proper way to use the QSClock Created shift function to Clock in to a shift that a staff is picking up or covering for another staff. We all know how it goes: Staff A calls in “sick” so Staff B gets called in to replace Staff A. Well, when because Staff B has not been previously scheduled in QuickSolvePlus a shift must be created to clock in to. And, if it has the same client and start and end time of the existing scheduled shift/staff a “Shift Exists” prompt will appear and selecting “Yes” to it will prevent a No Clock In notification from triggering for the staff who is being covered for (Staff A, in this example). Another prompt will ask for a Reason as to why this shift is being created and full details can be written here by Staff B as to why they created the shift.

When selecting the appropriate client to create a shift for, the staff will only see the client faces that have the same office designation of the staff. For example, a staff in the North office will not see pictures of clients in the South office. Also, when using the QSClock Created Shift function, staff must be sure to enter the date and time correctly. Go get ’em!


Early Clock Out

Not every shift is created equal. As staff serve clients in the client’s own home, there is often going to be schedule adjustments that happen. Perhaps staff is on shift and they get called to fill in at another home. Or, the next staff comes early to relieve the current staff. Whatever the case, with QSClock, it’s easy to clock out early and indicate the reason why you are clocking out early prior to the scheduled end time in QSP. The end time will then be automatically be updated in your QuickSolvePlus schedule to reflect the time you actually left!

What does QSClock consider as “early”:

Within your company’s QSP settings is the place to customize what time frame QSClock should consider as “early”. When staff clock in or out before this set amount of minutes of when a scheduled shift is supposed to start or end, a notification will trigger and be sent via email to the appropriate office personnel. Not only that, but the actual clocked time will automatically update the scheduled time in QSP! Since the Schedule in QSP drives payroll and billing reports, this accuracy and automation that QSClock provides is extremely beneficial.

Late Clock IN

In the rare event that a staff ever clocks in late to their scheduled QSP shift, the QSClock mobile app will allow them to clock in late, as well as prompt them to provide a reason as to why they are clocking in late. This “reason” is sent as an email to the appropriate office personnel. Once clocked in, the scheduled shift is automatically updated in QuickSolvePlus to reflect the actual late clocked in time!

What does QSClock consider as “late”:

Within your company’s QSP settings is the place to customize what time frame QSClock should consider as “late”. When staff clock in after this set amount of minutes of when a scheduled shift is supposed to start, a notification will trigger and be sent via email to the appropriate office personnel. Not only that, but the actual clocked time will automatically update the scheduled time in QSP! Since the Schedule in QSP drives payroll and billing reports, this accuracy and automation that QSClock provides is extremely beneficial.

Be On Time Clocking Out Late

QSClock provides the choice for users to clock out “on time” to their scheduled shift in QSP whenever they leave late! Now when a field staff departs late, perhaps they forgot to clock out when they left their shift, they have the option to clock out “on time” despite clocking out “late”. Of course, if it’s necessary for them to clock out late, and therefore get paid after their scheduled end time, then they would continue with the late clock out option. To recap, when clocking out late of a scheduled shift staff have two options: Clock out late and update the scheduled end time of the shift, or clock out “late” but choose “on time”, leaving the scheduled end time unchanged. Watch this short video to see QSClock in action.

What does QSClock consider as “late”:

Within your company’s QSP settings is the place to customize what time frame QSClock should consider as “late”. When staff clock in or out after this set amount of minutes of when a scheduled shift is supposed to start or end, a notification will trigger and be sent via email to the appropriate office personnel. Not only that, but the actual clocked time will automatically update the scheduled time in QSP! Since the Schedule in QSP drives payroll and billing reports, this accuracy and automation that QSClock provides is extremely beneficial.

Be On Time when Clocking In Early

QSClock provides the choice for users to clock in “on time” to their scheduled shift in QSP whenever they arrive early! Now when a field staff shows up early, instead of waiting around to clock in at their scheduled start time, they have the option to clock in “on time” despite arriving early. Of course, if it’s necessary for them to clock in early, and therefore get paid prior to the scheduled start time, then they would continue with the early clock in option. To recap, when arriving early to a scheduled shift staff have two options: Clock in early and change the scheduled start time of your shift, or clock in “early” but choose “on time”, leaving the scheduled start time unchanged. This video details that latter. Enjoy!

What does QSClock consider as “early”:

Within your company’s QSP settings is the place to customize what time frame QSClock should consider as “early”. When staff clock in or out before this set amount of minutes of when a scheduled shift is supposed to start or end, a notification will trigger and be sent via email to the appropriate office personnel. Not only that, but the actual clocked time will automatically update the scheduled time in QSP! Since the Schedule in QSP drives payroll and billing reports, this accuracy and automation that QSClock provides is extremely beneficial.