Overtime Pay for Home Care Workers
How will your agency be impacted?
On Friday August 21, 2015 a federal appeals court reinstated wage rules that guarantee overtime pay for home care workers and minimum wage protections. No date has been set for when the new rule will be enabled, but, pending an appeal, it could be sooner than later. QuickSolvePlus already has SLS OT tools that you will need!
QSP OT Toolbox
In anticipation of this overtime rule being effective last January, QSP currently has tools available to help reduce your SLS overtime exposure through effective scheduling and maximizing overtime exempt rules, such as Sleep hours and 5 Consecutive Night Shift Rule. Some tools and optional settings include:
- Customizing and defining your OT work week
- Set SLS OT weekly caps for clients and workers
- Set IHSS weekly caps for clients and workers
- Optional Co-Employer with IHSS setting
- Scheduling restrictions based on OT caps
- Reformatted Reports to account for OT: Simple TC’s, PPR and CPPR
Contact us for a free demonstration
Our mobile time clock is another effective feature in overtime management by providing real-time insight into staff and client schedules by alerting office personnel of early and late clock ins and outs. QSClock adds an additional level of accountability and accuracy so you know where (GPS locator) and when (early/late/no clock notifications) you’re staff are in relation to the scheduled shifts. Check out more details here.