There are two Security Levels, 6 and 7, that are essentially the same, but with one major difference: Schedule Change vs Schedule Request. As a level 7 user, you are able to create or edit shifts, however, those changes don’t actually occur, but rather trigger an email notification be sent of the appropriate personnel of the schedule requests. These requests, therefore, must still be manually entered by someone. Level 6 users, on the other hand, can create or edit shifts and have those changes appear instantly. An email notification is still sent to the appropriate personnel, but the content of the email is more of an FYI to the recipient that an actual change has been made, not a request for a change to be entered. This tutorial shows how to set up these email notifications, which can also be set up to capture any time there is a Data Change (ie worker taff demographic info) for level 6 and 7 users as well.