
Desiring to put up a high wall between a worker’s expired HR requirements and their availability to be scheduled? Within QSP’s Email Notification Set up, you can enable a Scheduling Restriction that actually prevents the scheduling of any worker with an expired HR requirement. You determine the requirement type (ie First Aid, CPR, TB) that is important to you, and QSP will let you know if they are being scheduled on a day past their HR training/requirement expiration.  Watch to see this in action!

In this QSP tutorial I will teach how to adjust a Worker’s pay structure based on their Client Specific Training’s that can be set up in their HR profile. This type of pay exception takes precedence over the Staffing Hours that are set up in each client’s profile. For example, if Client “A” has premium individual staffing hours, as denoted under the Schedule tab of their client profile, from 12a to 12a, then this applies to all staff whom work with Client A. But, perhaps you want Worker “B” to only get paid premium hours from 8a to 4p when working with Client “A”. Then, you set up a Client Specific Training from Worker “B”‘s HR profile with Client “A”, and adjust the default premium hours for Client “A” to the appropriate service hours. This is just an example to help paint a picture of the function of this feature.


A huge reason agency’s are successful is by pairing up the right worker with the right client. This is an art! Typically, this may involve training the worker to server that client. There are several advantages to documenting this training/connection/link. If you want to give workers access to QSP, but on a limited scale, then based on those clients whom they are trained with, they will only be able to view those clients. Another advantage is when searching for an available staff who is specifically trained to work with a client. QSP uses the Client Specific Trainings to provide you with a filtered list of options! Cheers to perfect matches!