
In this QSP tutorial I will teach how to adjust a Worker’s pay structure based on their Client Specific Training’s that can be set up in their HR profile. This type of pay exception takes precedence over the Staffing Hours that are set up in each client’s profile. For example, if Client “A” has premium individual staffing hours, as denoted under the Schedule tab of their client profile, from 12a to 12a, then this applies to all staff whom work with Client A. But, perhaps you want Worker “B” to only get paid premium hours from 8a to 4p when working with Client “A”. Then, you set up a Client Specific Training from Worker “B”‘s HR profile with Client “A”, and adjust the default premium hours for Client “A” to the appropriate service hours. This is just an example to help paint a picture of the function of this feature.


This feature is helpful if you are entering a lot of new clients into your QSP database. If your Client Staffing Hours are going to be different than the default 12a to 12a, then set up your own agency-specific parameters in QSP’s Application Settings.

Client Staffing hours are important to setup when beginning to use QSP’s time sheets and exportable payroll processing reports.  By declaring, in each client’s individual profile, when is day time (premium) service, and when is night time (standard) service, this gives QSP the proper matrix to automatically calculate scheduled shifts and how they should be allocated on the proper reports. By default, when adding a new client to your QSP database, all hours are premium from 12a to 12a. Watch this and the follow up tutorial, to learn how to set up a different default for your operations.


The simplest form of shared shifts, I think, is when you have one worker serving two specific clients that are roommates. While this may be the simplest, there is still a wide variety of how this could play out in everyday life. Whatever the case, QSP can handle it, giving you the ability to schedule 2:1 (or 3:1, or 6:1, or 100:1–you get the point) using the SLS-Shared service type. The best news is that the time sheets, payroll and billing reports that will be generated will perfectly re-present these service scenarios. The second video will elaborate on the scenarios where IHSS utilization needs to happen for both consumers. Share on!