Entries by Mary Flom

Embracing Change: Fostering User Adoption Through Effective Training

Employees may resist the change due to unfamiliarity with digital tools, leading to slow adoption rates. Adequate training and support are essential to encourage staff to embrace the new electronic systems.  User adoption and training are crucial factors when a company goes digital. Here are some tips to promote user adoption and ensure effective training:

The Appreciation Code: Cracking the Five Languages for DSP Success

In the field of Supported and Independent Living Services, retaining skilled Direct Service Professionals (DSPs) is crucial. At Quick Solve Plus, we understand that showing genuine appreciation can significantly impact employee retention. One powerful approach we’ve found effective is understanding and implementing the Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, based on the work of Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White.

Protecting the Digital Vault: Safeguarding Data Security and Privacy

Digital data is susceptible to security breaches and cyberattacks. Ensuring data security and maintaining client/employee privacy becomes crucial, requiring robust cybersecurity measures and employee awareness.  Ensuring data security, maintaining client/employee privacy, and increasing employee awareness are critical aspects when a company goes digital. Here are some tips to achieve these goals:

Win the Audit Game: 5 Strategies to Transform Your Approach

If you’re in this industry, you know audits are as certain as death and taxes. But guess what? After 25 years of audit adventures, we’ve discovered that mastering a few key strategies can turn audit dread into a walk in the park. Ready to make your next audit a breeze? Here are 5 keys areas to focus on. For a deeper dive, don’t forget to download our extensive guide here.

Counting the Costs: Navigating Resources in the Digital Transition

Going digital can involve significant upfront costs, including hardware, software, and training expenses. Additionally, companies may need to allocate resources to manage the transition process effectively.  Managing upfront costs for hardware, software, and training expenses is crucial when a company begins the process of “going digital.” Here are some tips to help manage these costs effectively:

3 Tried and True Recruitment Strategies for Hiring Caregivers

Gone are the days when merely placing a job description on a standard job board suffices to attract the ideal candidates for your caregiving positions. In today’s landscape, career caregivers find themselves amid a plethora of options, and simply crossing your fingers, hoping they choose you, is no longer effective.

In response to the high demand, recruiters naturally turn to prominent job boards like Indeed, Craigslist, and Zip Recruiter for assistance. Choosing the right platform marks the initial step. However, the decision on where to post should be a strategic one, considering your advertising budget and the capacity of your team to manage the influx of applications. For those with limited resources, focusing on a select few popular job boards is advisable, while those with a more substantial budget and team can afford to explore beyond the well-known platforms.

Empower Your Direct Support Professionals: 3 Proven Training Strategies

Training is more than a requirement; it’s the basis for exceptional service delivery from our direct care experts. Our meticulously designed training programs serve as the foundation for setting clear expectations, instilling fundamental principles of outstanding care, and translating our values into actionable steps. By prioritizing staff development, we elevate our care to an art form, ensuring that each client receives a uniquely tailored experience for their individual needs. So, what’s our secret? It all begins with our three key approaches to developing successful training plans: leveraging technology, fostering engagement, and aligning values with the skills we teach to our service professionals. Now, let’s delve into each of these strategies. 

Revolutionize Your Mileage Management and Make Reimbursement a Breeze

One of the myriad ways we support our clients here at Compass is by giving them the freedom to choose how they spend their day. That freedom is afforded to them because their staff all have a vehicle to transport them to wherever it is they want and need to go. I know I wouldn’t want to be cooped in my house all day every day.

To make this service sustainable, we pay our staff a mileage reimbursement. It’d be nice if it were as simple as them telling us, “Yeah I drove 100 miles with my client, Frank, last month,” and we could simply key the reimbursement amount onto their paycheck. Unfortunately, not only do we need way more accountability and detail than that, but we also need that detail and accountability for the 500 staff supporting and driving our 200 clients. And furthermore, for a number of those clients, we need to be able to bill the Regional Center, sometimes in daily increments.

How Quality Assurance Prepares You for an Audit

In most industries, Quality Assurance (QA) is aimed at ensuring efficient output and quality of a product.  In human services, the “product” is a service that impacts the quality of a person’s life.  QA ensures that policies and practices are in place to provide quality results, stability in services, health and safety of people receiving services and accountability to desired outcomes.  QA also measures our performance of service contracts and expected industry best practice. QA includes monitoring practices for both people receiving services as well as the staff supporting them.