Happy staff recognized for good work

Track Employee Recognitions and Coachings

When it comes to the quality of service and care that people are receiving, there’s a strong correlation between their happiness and the engagement of the employee providing the service. If employee engagement and quality of service is high, retention should be high as well.

While there may be a variety of different methods to achieve engaged and quality employees, we’ve created the Employee Connect module to help managment track engagement (“connections”) with its employees. Connects in QSP are used to capture and track key elements of each employee connection in a way that is simple, while providing downstream reporting and statistics that help management know more about what is going on with their employees, so they can make the best decisions possible.

One known way to increase employee engagement is by acknowledging their hard work.

[Enter Recognition]

Increase Employee Engagement Through Recognition

Each Employee Connect is used for a specific purpose. Recognition is one of those, which specifically tracks and communicates employee recognition. An employee can be recognized from up to 4 different categories: Partnership, Leadership, Communication and Growth. Each of these categories have their own corresponding, and customizable, sub-categories, which give a more detailed reason for why they are being recognized. Not only that, but a notes area allows for a personal note to be added to the recognition, which can then be sent directly to the employee via text, email, push notification or QSMessage. See the full training documentation here.

Staff recognitions

Staff recognition summary notification

Track Performance with Coachings

It’s important for management to have effective coaching conversations with employees and keep them accountable to a high level of quality care, and overall job performance.  While QSP can’t help much with how to have those coachings, it’s awesome for tracking them, as well as sending a summary of the coaching to the employee. We understand that the reason for a coaching varies, which is why our default list of Reasons can be customized as needed. See the full training documentation here.

Staff Coaching Summary in QSP