Depending on your perspective, you may like to view or create a schedule from an individual worker’s view, or from a client’s view. No matter how you choose to construct your masterpiece, the shifts will be fully linked to other other, given you follow the steps in this tutorial when building from the worker side. […]

There will always be that next staff meeting, big training, or event that staff are going to need to attend, and, if we pay them to attend, we need an easy way to calendar it. Lucky for all of us, with QSP all you need to do is create one appointment and assign all relevant […]

There will be times when we need to move workers around, from one house to another, or remove them from the schedule completely, even after we’ve made our perfect calendars. While QSP can’t make those phone calls for you to get shifts covered, it can make it more simple to update those changes on your […]