
Often times the most time consuming part of our jobs is data entry and documentation. When beginning with QSP, there are  only a few fields required in a client’s profile to begin building their schedule right away. Of course, you will probably want to complete their entire client profile, med rx, etc but that isn’t necessary to just begin schedule creation. As soon as you have their name entered and the type of service they receive you’re basically done! This tutorials also references the importance of defining individual client rate differentials base on time of day, day of week, and shared staffing. Depending on your agency and its relationship with Regional Center, you may pay your workers for working “premium hours” (higher ROP for day time hours) as well as “standard hours” (a lower ROP for overnight service). While not required to begin making schedules, it is important for accurate reporting.

You know that feeling of ecstasy after you’ve created the perfect calendar? Well, make that feeling last by using the Copy Calendar function that allows you to copy your schedules from one month to the next, up to as many as months as you’d like.  This tutorial shows you how this is done so you can spend less time creating schedules, and more time on what really matters.


The simplest form of shared shifts, I think, is when you have one worker serving two specific clients that are roommates. While this may be the simplest, there is still a wide variety of how this could play out in everyday life. Whatever the case, QSP can handle it, giving you the ability to schedule 2:1 (or 3:1, or 6:1, or 100:1–you get the point) using the SLS-Shared service type. The best news is that the time sheets, payroll and billing reports that will be generated will perfectly re-present these service scenarios. The second video will elaborate on the scenarios where IHSS utilization needs to happen for both consumers. Share on!



It’s boring  just creating one shift type at a time with the same worker. With QSP, why not schedule multiple service types at once from the New Shift screen?! This is ideal when a consumer will be receiving several types of services throughout the day. Perhaps it’s SLS, then IHSS, then Shared SLS. Or maybe it’s ILS Travel, then ILS Service, then ILS Misc…..whatever the case may be, QSP makes these scheduling options easy to manage.


Have you ever wanted to go back and look at an email, but you can’t find it because it’s buried amongst all your other emails? In those moments, I’m really glad that I can take a shortcut and use the search box and type in a few key words that I know are associated with the email.  Immediately, my options are filtered to make finding what I’m looking for more quick and easy. This same functionality is present throughout QSP, and this tutorial shows you how it happens in the Scheduling module to filter by: Office, Last Name, and Program.


I know we all think we’re perfect, and for good reasons too. But, I’m willing to bet that getting feedback on our work will often times give us the correction we may not have known we needed. QSP provides this feedback with these reports:  Shift Breaks, Shifts with Missing Workers, Shift Overlaps. Granted, QSP will give you “feedback” when you schedule an overlap: shift times with the same worker or client that overlap with one another. These audit reports give us another chance to quickly see the work we’ve done and if we’ve intentionally left gaps or overlaps in the schedule. Remember, QSP gives you the permissions in the application settings to determine what kind of feedback/prompts you want to receive when executing certain actions. Cheers to feedback!


Depending on your perspective, you may like to view or create a schedule from an individual worker’s view, or from a client’s view. No matter how you choose to construct your masterpiece, the shifts will be fully linked to other other, given you follow the steps in this tutorial when building from the worker side. Even if you are making changes to an already complete schedule, no matter what “view” these are made from, they will update automatically so both calendars look the same.


There will always be that next staff meeting, big training, or event that staff are going to need to attend, and, if we pay them to attend, we need an easy way to calendar it. Lucky for all of us, with QSP all you need to do is create one appointment and assign all relevant staff to it, rather than scheduling the same appointment as many times as you have staff. This same functionality works if, for some reason, you need to assign multiple employees to work with one client. Watch the video and learn how this is done!


There will be times when we need to move workers around, from one house to another, or remove them from the schedule completely, even after we’ve made our perfect calendars. While QSP can’t make those phone calls for you to get shifts covered, it can make it more simple to update those changes on your schedules using the Schedule and Remover Worker functions, as you’ll see in this tutorial. These functions are different than just simply editing multiple shifts that contain identical information (go here for that tutorial), because you are able to replace or remove workers from nonidentical shifts in mass. Sched on!


Life is pretty messy, even with extensive planning and preparation, we can always account for something unexpected to happen. Our industry especially, as joyous as it is, still has to manage people who are serving our people. Well, lucky for you schedulers, QSP can handle messes and mistakes with it’s fast and effective “delete” option. In this tutorial, you will discover how to delete shifts, delete entire calendars, and delete lots of specific appointments. Note: when you delete a shift from a client calendar, it will automatically delete the corresponding and linked shift on the worker’s calendar (or vice versa). Be strategic when you delete things because there is no “Undo” option. Keep in mind that as helpful as it is to have an easy delete option and to start over, many scheduling scenarios can also be Edited to achieve an intended result.