
It’s vital that every shift on the QSP calendar is accurate, especially with appointments that are shared: One worker : Multiple clients. When a change needs to be made to an existing shared shift, QSP prompts you to choose if you want to save the edit for all linked client shifts. So, if client A and B share staff C from 8p-8a, and you replace staff C with staff D, QSP wants to know if staff D is serving both client A and B like the shift was setup. If YES, it will update the shared shift appropriately. If NO, staff D is not serving A and B, then QSP will adjust the service type from 1:2 to 1:1. If edited from client A’s calendar view, then staff D will stay linked to A, while client D will display an un-staffed appointment. Watch to see this in action!

Time is valuable, whether it’s waiting in line for coffee or at a stop light, the less time you have to spend doing it, the more time you have for what’s really important. So many facets of QSP are geared for this type of payoff: low time investment, high quality return. This tutorials explains how to edit multiple shifts at once that are identical in start and end time, service type, and worker. Often times these edits take place when a change needs to be made to an already created shift or shifts. Perhaps it’s a start time that needs to be changed, or a worker that needs to be unassigned. Whatever the case, when they’re identical and numerous, the editing is simple, saving you time in case time is ever wasted waiting on a stop light.