If your company has other offices, you can use QSP to separate your operations, depending on what “office” means to you. Maybe you want to categorize clients and workers by Regional Center, or Payee type. With other “offices” available, you will assign clients and workers to their appropriate office-type, which QSP will use to help organize your system and allow you to manage it more efficiently. Watch on to learn about the other outcomes of adding offices to your QSP.
There will always be that next staff meeting, big training, or event that staff are going to need to attend, and, if we pay them to attend, we need an easy way to calendar it. Lucky for all of us, with QSP all you need to do is create one appointment and assign all relevant staff to it, rather than scheduling the same appointment as many times as you have staff. This same functionality works if, for some reason, you need to assign multiple employees to work with one client. Watch the video and learn how this is done!