Service Record

Service Verification By the Client, With the Employee

Service Record Validation by Client Picture with Employee

So many agencies are consistently troubled with the uncertainty that surrounds whether or not their employees showed up and served their clients during their scheduled shift.  Even if they did, where is the proof? More and more organizations are requiring a client’s signature to validate services so we created a feature in QSMobile that does exactly that, plus a little bit more because there’s nothing wrong with going above and beyond.

QSP’s Service Record module allows employees and clients to add their signatures to each scheduled shift. On top of that, employees can take a picture/selfie with them and the client as proof of identity and location. This adds an extra layer of fraud protection beyond the mandated EVV and state service requirements.

Service Record Security Permissions

Service Records is a mobile app-based tool that needs to first be activated in QSP. Activation is simple as it’s driven by one security permission. To enable, navigate to Utilities -> Security Maintenance -> Assign Permissions (on select Role). It is listed under the Dashboard Module as “Service Record”.  Both Update and Access attributes should be enabled. This setup activates and makes viewable the Service Record module in QSMobile, as well as the Service Record Dashboard, and Service Record Reports (however, the reports can only be accessed if the user also has Client Report permissions enabled).

service record security permissions

Service Record Preferences

Enable Client Pictures to be attached to Service Records – This Service Record preference can be configured under Utilities -> Application Settings -> Service Record Preferences. When enabled, the “Take Client Picture” button is activated within the Service Record detail screen in QSMobile. This allows an employee to snap a picture using the device’s camera. There is intentionally not an option to upload a picture from the device’s photo gallery. The purpose of this feature is to provide agency’s another way to validate that their employees showed up and served the client at the time and place they were supposed to. A great way to do this is for the employee to snap a selfie of them and the client.  These pictures will then be attached to the Service Record and display when printed.

service record client pic authorizationservice record tracking client pictures

Service Record Tracking Dashboard

The Service Record Tracking Dashboard is designed to give a real-time look at the status of each possible Service Record for a client within a given month. There are 4 possible Service Record statuses which are based on the presence of a client and/or employee signature.

  1. Yes/Yes – Both the client and employee have added their signatures to a specific shift. This is considered a completed Service Record.
  2. Yes/No – Only the client signature has been added, and the employee signature is missing
  3. No/Yes – Only the employee signature has been added, and the client signature is missing
  4. No/No – Neither the employee nor the client signature has been added.

The clients that are available for selection are based on the permissions of the logged in user. Once the Client, Month and Year have been chosen, the grid will load all shifts that are present in that month for the chosen client, and their Service Record Status.

Service record dashboard

Service Record Reports

There are 2 types of Service Record reports, which can be found under Clients -> Reports.

  1. Service Record Report
  2. Service Record Status Report

Service Record Report  – The Service Record Report can be generated for any date range and by either client or employee. It will only report service records that are complete, which are those that include both client and employee signatures. If a Service Location has been entered, it will display. If a picture has been taken, it will be attached in the top right-hand corner.

service record client signature added

Service Record Status Report – The Service Record Tracking Dashboard is great for toggling between clients to track Service Records. Though, the Service Record Status Report will be beneficial to get the statuses for a larger scope of clients for a specific date range. This report generates to excel, and columns can be filtered and indexed to sort the information as needed.

Service record tracking status report

How Employees and Clients Complete Service Records in QSMobile

This video shows how employees and clients complete Service Records in QSMobile.