There are two Security Levels, 6 and 7, that are essentially the same, but with one major difference: Schedule Change vs Schedule Request. As a level 7 user, you are able to create or edit shifts, however, those changes don’t actually occur, but rather trigger an email notification be sent of the appropriate personnel of the schedule requests.  These requests, therefore, must still be manually entered by someone. Level 6 users, on the other hand, can create or edit shifts and have those changes appear instantly.  An email notification is still sent to the appropriate personnel, but the content of the email is more of an FYI to the recipient that an actual change has been made, not a request for a change to be entered. This tutorial shows how to set up these email notifications, which can also be set up to capture any time there is a Data Change (ie worker taff demographic info) for level 6 and 7 users as well.


Communicate Schedules with options. You have the choice to either Print or Email Schedules to Clients and Workers.  All from within the Scheduler you can quickly print one schedule at a time, or multiple. Time Cards? Yes, emailing or printing time cards can be done fast and not-so-furiously, but rather calmly. If you are logged into QSP and will be performing the emailing action, the emails will look like they came directly from you, not QSP. How perfect is that?! Don’t want to waste paper with printing, and some folks don’t have emails? Then give them access to view their schedules directly in QSP.


When it comes to billing, anyone can do it! With the click of a button (or a few), the Management Report can be ran for any month! This report pulls data that is on each consumer’s calendar, which makes transfer and calculations errors virtually non-existent. It’s called a Management Report because it provides a snap shot into how your Scheduled vs Authorized hours are scheduled, which allows your managers and supervisors to make educated decisions about their caseloads. For example, if the Management Report is ran on the first of  the month and not enough service hours are scheduled to fully utilize the authorized POS, then action can be taken in advance (or whenever this report is viewed). All you need to do billing is contained in the Management Report! Cheers to speed and efficiency!


Just like a client’s profile set up, there are a few fields that need necessary data in order to have worker’s ready to be scheduled. Besides their name, Employment Position is required. Keep in mind that this field determines security access (if desired) to QSP. What is also important is to give the worker an applicable Employment Status, and in most cases, especially when just starting out with QSP, you want to make them “Active”.  The special check box that will actually have them appear on the calendars to be scheduled is the “May Provide Service?” option. This, in conjunction with employment status, is all you need. Not all workers, most commonly office workers, will need the “May Provide Service?” check box selected, unless of course they sometimes do, and want to be selectable in the scheduler. Happy scheduling!

Often times the most time consuming part of our jobs is data entry and documentation. When beginning with QSP, there are  only a few fields required in a client’s profile to begin building their schedule right away. Of course, you will probably want to complete their entire client profile, med rx, etc but that isn’t necessary to just begin schedule creation. As soon as you have their name entered and the type of service they receive you’re basically done! This tutorials also references the importance of defining individual client rate differentials base on time of day, day of week, and shared staffing. Depending on your agency and its relationship with Regional Center, you may pay your workers for working “premium hours” (higher ROP for day time hours) as well as “standard hours” (a lower ROP for overnight service). While not required to begin making schedules, it is important for accurate reporting.

One of the most vital parts of supporting our consumers is ensuring that they complete the medication regimen that they have been prescribed. QuickSolvePlus has a Medication Tracking Report in place that can be printed and put in the consumer’s home for staff to use as a tool to validate what meds are being administered and when. The Medication Tracking Report contains all the data that you enter into the Med Rx tab of the client module. The more robust you want the details of this report to be, the more robust your data entry would need to be from this entry point. You also have the option to print a comments page every other page if it’s important to you. You’ll notice PRN’s show toward the end of the report.  Watch this video tutorial for how to access the med tracking report and view/print for one or all of your consumers. Keep in mind that this report can also be accessed from each individual client profile under the reports icon.


You know that feeling of ecstasy after you’ve created the perfect calendar? Well, make that feeling last by using the Copy Calendar function that allows you to copy your schedules from one month to the next, up to as many as months as you’d like.  This tutorial shows you how this is done so you can spend less time creating schedules, and more time on what really matters.


The simplest form of shared shifts, I think, is when you have one worker serving two specific clients that are roommates. While this may be the simplest, there is still a wide variety of how this could play out in everyday life. Whatever the case, QSP can handle it, giving you the ability to schedule 2:1 (or 3:1, or 6:1, or 100:1–you get the point) using the SLS-Shared service type. The best news is that the time sheets, payroll and billing reports that will be generated will perfectly re-present these service scenarios. The second video will elaborate on the scenarios where IHSS utilization needs to happen for both consumers. Share on!



It’s boring  just creating one shift type at a time with the same worker. With QSP, why not schedule multiple service types at once from the New Shift screen?! This is ideal when a consumer will be receiving several types of services throughout the day. Perhaps it’s SLS, then IHSS, then Shared SLS. Or maybe it’s ILS Travel, then ILS Service, then ILS Misc…..whatever the case may be, QSP makes these scheduling options easy to manage.


Have you ever wanted to go back and look at an email, but you can’t find it because it’s buried amongst all your other emails? In those moments, I’m really glad that I can take a shortcut and use the search box and type in a few key words that I know are associated with the email.  Immediately, my options are filtered to make finding what I’m looking for more quick and easy. This same functionality is present throughout QSP, and this tutorial shows you how it happens in the Scheduling module to filter by: Office, Last Name, and Program.